Carlotta Carvalho's profile



For this project, I had to take on a theme related to design and create a "non-editorial editorial" alluding to that same theme, creating an editorial system thats is out of the box. I chose ethical design, because it respects user experience and its surrounding environment. For my inspiration for this project, I relied on transparency, that refers to the expression of "to be transparent" related to what we say and our actions.
This same transparency can be represented, for example, by literal transparent materials, or even with different light/shadow exercises. I decided, for my first edition, to focus on the light/shadow elements, together with the technology that greatly enhances the experience of the user towards this editorial. Thus, in each edition, any design sector that falls within the theme of ethics will be addressed. In this first edition, the theme is fashion design.

The editorial called Ethos (Greek origin of the word ethics) consists of four phases:
Whoever subscribes to this editorial will receive an object at home that will present the theme that will be addressed in this edition. In this first edition, it is a tablet-style object, in which the text is only visible when the UV light is turned on, as the ink will only be visible in this way. And in that same object, the invitation to the exhibition will be present, which will be the second phase.

In this exhibition, I will present an example of a company and/or artist that respects design ethics during the process of creating their product. In this first edition, I talked about the company Everlane, which produces jeans in the United States, and recycles 98% of the water used in its production, making it drinkable again. The exhibition will be presented with the elements present in the object, as well as related to the theme. So I decided, for the first edition, to hang jeans panels with text cut out on them, in which projections of light emitted the text in light on the wall behind these same panels.

The third phase consists of a performance that is part of the exhibition. In this case, it is a purple box (idea originated from the black boxes of airplanes, which refer to the “hidden truth”). Inside this box, images related to fashion design are displayed with added text (first image). But, with the use of a QR code, it is possible to see other images superimposed on the existing ones, with a text that demonstrates the hidden reality in the production of the clothes we wear every day (second image). This aims to raise consumer awareness.
The fourth and final part is a website that demonstrates the entire experience, online, for those who want to relive, indirectly, the moments of the editorial.


