photobook for european masterĀ 
of fine art photographyā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹
Futuresque is the future as a re-interpretation of something that already exists, but seenĀ 
in a different or updated way. The world does not have a clear present or past,Ā 
and so the future acts, which appears as a repetition of what we already know.

Thus in philosophy, Friederich Nietzsche speaks of this concept as of the Eternal ReturnĀ 
in which there is a circular vision of time: there is a beginning of time and an end,
Ā which in turn generates a beginning.

To transmit this concept we have used a ladder, because it goes up and down,Ā 
always returning that concept of the eternal return.

That is why we have represented the entire structure / format of the brochureĀ 
in the form of a ladder with a double spiral bound, where there is a beginningĀ 
that marks the beginning, but the end of it can also mark a new beginning,Ā 
emphasizing the concept of Eternal Return.

All photos appearing in the project are property of their respective owners
Project realized for IED Istituto Europeo di Design
MƔster en DiseƱo Editorial: medios impresos y digitales, Madrid, 2020
All photos appearing in the project are property of their respective owners

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Futuresque is a project realized during the master in Editorial Design at the IED Madrid. In particular, it is a photo book created to show and p Read More
