Wai Manu rendition image
Wai Manu rendition image
Wai Manu rendition image
Wai Manu rendition image
Wai Manu rendition image
Wai Manu rendition image
Wai Manu rendition image
Wai Manu rendition image
Wai Manu rendition image
Wai Manu rendition image

Wai Manu

"Wai Manu" in Aotearoa (the original Maori name for New Zealand) is a mesmerizing natural wonder. Set in spectacular Piopiotahi (Milford Sound), it cascades gracefully down sheer cliffs, creating a delicate veil of mist that hovers above the crystal-clear waters below. As sunlight catches the mist, it transforms it into a radiant cloud floating effortlessly above the surface of the water, an effect both enchanting and surreal, as if Nature itself
Filetype: JPG
Size: 16.6 MB
License: Personal License