Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image
Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image
Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image
Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image
Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image
Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image
Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image
Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image
Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image
Aotearoa Glaciers 2 rendition image

Aotearoa Glaciers 2

Where the Southern Alps meet the sea, a frozen river of ice flows with slow but inexorable determination from the snowy mountain peaks down to the turquoise waters beneath. There it 'calves' - huge chunks of ice periodically crack free from the glacier and crash into the sea, forming ice flows free to float out into the ocean. It is a picture of such splendour, that few artists witnessing it can resist the urge to capture it forever, bringing new
Filetype: JPG
Size: 18.2 MB
License: Personal License