Honshu 24 rendition image
Honshu 24 rendition image
Honshu 24 rendition image
Honshu 24 rendition image
Honshu 24 rendition image
Honshu 24 rendition image
Honshu 24 rendition image

Honshu 24

Russet hues tinge the forests with the first hints of autumn, while slender clouds drift in the sky above. Beyond, a peaceful lake winds between headlands, and the land then rises through tones of lilac and blue to the snowy white of a mountain's peak. It is as if the island of Honshu, Japan's largest, had been turned into a living poem, a haiku evoking all the wonders of Nature.
Filetype: JPG
Size: 15.7 MB
License: Personal License