Synapse Connect Florida Poly

Synapse Connect Florida Poly Capstone Project
Members : 
Jonathan Weber : Team Lead 
Nathan Rabideau : Methodologist
Robert Burzynski : Documentation
Aharon Fajardo : Coder
Alex Alvarado: Coder

About Project:

Our goal given to us for this project is to design and implement a searchable database of the most relevant entities participating in the startup community, to enable future connection algorithms to find and connect resources with each other. 

There is currently no definitive database of key elements within the Synapse FL website. Without the appropriate data, Synapse will not be capable of scaling the connection recommendations it currently makes through personal contact. 

This database will serve as the central data repository that will enable future Connect features such as customized content and connection recommendations.

We will then collect data via the google maps API and cross reference the data with the Yelp API.
Video Example 

Running the program​​​​​​​
First both API keys are tested, if one is invalid, an error will be displayed.
Next, companies that have been scanned within the last 30 days are skipped
If Google maps finds a result it is added to the CSV input file
If not the Parse continues

Next, Yelp data is checked against the Google maps data

As shown here, the Google maps and Yelp data do not match, this could mean a fake Google Maps posting was submitted. Our intelligent code accepts partial matches of companies too, for example address formatted slightly differently.

An example of Yelp and Google maps data matching. Our intelligent algorithm can tell that the companies are the same, even though one has Co at the end of the company name.
Shown above is the code we use, if the address match is over 75% and name at least 60% correct, we accept it as a match.
Once the data has been found it is written to the original source file.
We write the company address, their latitude and longitude coordinates, phone number, website, and a Boolean value the shows whether the yelp and google maps information matched each other. This allows synapse to integrate the data into their database, receiving more information about the companies.
Synapse Connect Florida Poly

Synapse Connect Florida Poly

Database project for Florida Poly Capstone



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