Roman Bartoš's profile

Engage Prague by Socialbakers


Engage Prague 2017

Engage Prague is a three-day long conference organized by Socialbakers, one of the industry leaders in social media analytics. For folks at SYMBIO agency, I created a web design for the event and since this conference is a project full of life and changes, I took care of its further updates during the conference, too.

​​​​​​​O T H E R   P A G E S

For the project I created more than 15 versions of the homepage. In total, there was over 25 different pages, each of them having their own unique layout and content.

B U Y I N G   T I C K E T S

The shopping process is designed as minimal as possible in order not to distract the user from buying the tickets. Therefore I got rid of all the polygonal planets, background photos and other similar visual elements.

​​​​​​​R E S P O N S I V E

Everything is responsive from narrow 320px mobiles to wide 1440px+ desktops.

T H A T ' S  A L L
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Take a look at some shots from this project on my dribbble →

Engage Prague by Socialbakers

Engage Prague by Socialbakers

Engage Prague is a three-day long conference organized by Socialbakers, one of the industry leaders in social media analytics. For folks at SYMBI Read More
