This report is a reflection on my photography work. It will discuss my work in class and explain one technique and strategy what i used on my photography. Introduction of Iwan Baan is also a important part in my report, and i will compare my photography with Iwan Baan’s work to show the specific technique and strategy what i used.
At firstly, my presentation in class was not good, it was very short and logic was very mess. The reasons of that were i did not do much research about Iwan Baan and did not do enough preparation. I spoke a little about architectural space, that means my explain was not very specific and did not give a clear example. These problems i will improve it.
When talk about my photography work, i took it at a ground floor of a building in TAFE. I used technique and strategy is ‘a contemporary building with an expressive massing thanks to use of shadows and light’ . The construct of this space is very simple, you can see transom without ceiling. So the light through windows casts a shadows on the wall. The building in TAFE has more than fifty years history, so it gave you a feeling of time. The function of this building is teaching, there were much students went by this building and many stories happened here. If i am Iwan Baan, i will took the walls with light. Because it walls were concrete without any decoration, therefore, there are many small point raised, the light strikes these small point with many shades of different angles. These points could mean students who studied in TAFE, and each shade could mean a story about this building. The main theme of Iwan Baan’s work is everyday-life stories in building. By taking the photography of building to express some emotions, stories and the beauty of architectures.
This paragraph is introduction of Iwan Baan. Iwan Baan is a famous dutch photographer. He is known primarily for image that narrate the life and interactions that occur within architecture. According to research at Iwan Baan states ‘ with no formal training in architecture, his perspective mirrors the questions and perspectives of the everyday individuals who give meaning and context to the architecture and spaces that surround us’. This means this artistic approach gives architectures a meaning closer to life and functional use.

Reference list 
Iwan Baan, About, viewed 16 July 2108, < >
iwan baan

iwan baan


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