Nicolas Giangreco's profile

VISION | a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Fan Book

What is this project?  This book was originally a story that I told myself and to a friend about the story of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure from Hirohiko Araki. This project began in 2020 during the covid crisis while I was alone in my apartment watching and reading Jojo's Bizarre Adventure from Hirohiko Araki. I started a first draft during 2021. And then I stopped it, I was not very happy with the result, my ideas were blurry and I started to work for a restaurant and then for Orange Business Services (you can see these projects on my profile). So after a big questioning about myself, my hobbies, my priorities, and during a period where I was looking for a job, I started a new version of this project, the first 10 chapters are similar but not write with the same style, the last 10 chapters are really differents of the first version. This project became then a crash test for other books that I want to write in the future.
What did I do and why?  For this book, I wrote the story by picking some elements that I loved from the original story from Hirohiko Araki. Then I put a big interest in music. I wanted that book to be like a music compilation. So, I put a lot of musics that I listen and put the title to name some stands (the powers in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), I get the idea of the QR codes and to make the book in square. The square book is to remind vinyl covers. After doing all of that, I take a lot of pictures, 20 for every chapter and 1 for the first cover. Then I put some texture on the first and last cover, I wanted this book to be like a very used item, like vinyl discs.
What do I think it has to be improved?  I think I need more experience in writing, I think some parts are good but some parts, like the end, are not really clear. I don't think it's the best story I wrote and I will write. In need more vocabulary, more searching about a lot of things like history, pictures of towns, etc... For the pictures that I took, I think I need more practice to, I like the colors I get but I am sure I can do a lot better with practice.
What do I think it is good?  I think some chapters are good and not that bad wrote, it needs some improvement, but I think there is something I can do to make my stories more interesting, and if I think there is something, a style that I want to try for my future project, I know it would take a time before I make something really great.

What is next?  Now I have a lot of projects to do, games, books, maybe videos one day, but I will always put stories in everything, I love to tell stories, so I need improvement then I will stories in my future projects. I hope to see you soon for another big project.
VISION | a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Fan Book


VISION | a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Fan Book
