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JUYONG PASS-CARTIER Video Mapping Show Storyboard

Video Mapping Show Storyboard
Video Mapping show would be 45 seconds long so ı decided to design key concept moments for each chapter in storyboards. It includes three chapters based on clients brief they called Poetic architecture, Poetic culture , Poetic nature.
Poetic Architecture
Changing the architecture of pagoda with video mapping tricks and we rebuild the form in a contemporary design style.
Poetic Culture
Then we see the form starts warping and making a wormhole with elements of the building. White bloomings starts the floating around wtih movement .
Inside of the warm hole and surface of the elemnets we are seeing chinese letters.
And it opens up and we see letter of moon
Poetic Nature
And in this poetic nature section we representing the old chinese art style "SHAN SHUI" with new techniques. Instead of  using ink we are using light.
Nature interacting with the Architecture
JUYONG PASS-CARTIER Video Mapping Show Storyboard


JUYONG PASS-CARTIER Video Mapping Show Storyboard
