Khrisnanda Pradipta's profile

Explore The World Project

Hi Everyone, Here is my last artwork for this month and also this artwork participated in the contest on deviantart with the Around The World in 80 Days Theme. I really grateful can finished this work, improve myself to more detail, coloring, grading, and many more. On this work, I use photo manipulation & Mattepainting Techniques, really challenging but I enjoy it. So, in this artwork, I create the scene about two explorers which are do some exploration with the ship to an island. The ambience is warm and little bit hot because of the Sunlight. I appreciate if there are any advice for me so I can improve my work next. I hope you're enjoying my work. Thankss !
Result 1
Result 2
You can follow my social media if u like & want to collabs
Instagram : @inandpepe
Explore The World Project


Explore The World Project
