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WEEK 4- Persuasive Posters "Solution over Pollution"

WEEK 4- Persuasive Posters. "Solution > Pollution" #oneperday2023
This weeks topic was to create a persuasive poster on an environmental issue of my choosing. I decided to focus on pollution as my environmental issue as a city dweller I feel passionately about this issue and the effect it has on not only my day-to-day life but also the future. In particular I choose to focus on air pollution- a theme that will be commonly seen throughout the various poster designs. 
"Solution > Pollution"
Technique: Drawing
Media: Multimedia- Fine tip pen, Felt tip pen, blue pencil, blue marker, collage, led pencil

Overarching Reflection: I particularly enjoyed the freedom that came with this week's topic, the overarching theme of air pollution left room for a wide variety of route's that could be taken. The experience proved to be interesting in the sense that my preferred technique is drawing and I was given full freedom to explore that, however I did have to reflect on how to differ each image in the sense of rendering to give each segment it's own personal feel depending on how I want to position the viewers. 
Title: "STOP....why?"
Technique: Fine tip pen drawing with led pencil shading

I began this image by mapping out where I wanted the sign to go then moved onto the skyline and the general outline of building before moving onto the cloud and rendering. 

I enjoyed the creation of this image due to the minimalism of it, there is however a multitude of things i would adapt including but not limited to the addition of the signs, i believe the greyscale and imagery speaks volumes on the topic and the addition of the words seem unnecessary. I love the different outlines and shapes of the cityscape however i would add more levels to add dimension and a foreground/background context to the work. Overall i believe this image conveys a negative connotation of air pollution and works well to evoke change in viewers.  
Title: "Influenza A"
Technique: Fine tip pen drawing with led pencil shading

The process of this image begun with sketching the outline and face of the 'earth' then moved onto sketching the continents then the smoke cough and finally the urgent care required sticker in the bottom corner. It was however, the rendering that made this piece come alive, in particular the stippling around the countries, scribbling inside the smoke cough and monotone shading in the background. 

One of the major strengths that this piece has is it's characterization, something the other poster designs do not have because this is the only one that posses a character. In terms of this- because the character shown is the Earth and it is drawn coughing from the air pollution, this evoke sympathy in a viewer and urges them to reconsider the effects air pollution has on the Earth. I did feel as though the 'urgent care required' sticker felt slightly out of place regardless of the fact that it drives home the message on pollution it felt like a last minute, uncalculated decision that wasn't coherent with the piece. 
Title: "Emissions"
Technique: fine tip pen drawing with led pencil shading

This image begun by sketching out the cityscapes and the divide between foreground and background then moved onto the cars and emissions in the foreground, the rendering in this image was kept to a minimum for a minimalistic effect and wording was added at the very end.

I did not particularly enjoy the final product of the poster design however the one particular strength that stood out to me was the text at the bottom of the image I enjoyed the rhyme and the reason behind it, I also liked the numerical symbol used to depict importance. The major weakness in this image to me is the lack of visual interest, it feels overarchingly unfinished and going forward I would add detail into the foreground (Road).
Title: "Blues solution over pollution"
Technique: fine tip pen drawing with led pencil shading and blue pencil and marker highlights

I begun by sketching out the skyline with varying heights and shapes of the cities buildings, to which i shaded some blue to add depth. The blue represents what would be the color of a clean air sky. i moved onto the clouds which i decided to convey using only scribbles this adds a level of messiness that adds to the negative connotation of the work and finally i add the wording over the clouds.

The major strength in this piece is the use of blue as a paradox, i believe this elevates the piece and adds sense of depth into the meaning behind it. The major weakness of the piece is the unfinished look of the wording, i believe this is because there is no negative space around the words and i don't like how it backs into the scribbles because it make it look messy but not in a calculated way. 
Title: "Solution > Pollution"
Technique: Fine tip pen, Felt tip pen, collage, led pencil

This image was created in the same manner as the one prior but with some minor altercations to allow it a more seamless and finished look. These include, the use of collage for the wording and a greyscale shading in the cityscape to add depth. The lack of color adds a melancholy feeling to the piece and now the only color comes from the small boarder around the wording.

The major strength of this piece is the fact that the collage, asides from the strength in meaning, was done in a "murder note" style this again adds to the negative connotation of the poster to drive home the message of how air pollution is ruining the world. The small amount of blue still acts as a paradox but now also simultaneously acts as negative space around the worlds to create a focal point and allows them to stand out against the scribbling of the smoke. 
DVB102- N11285184 - CLEO BONGERS 
WEEK 4- Persuasive Posters "Solution over Pollution"

WEEK 4- Persuasive Posters "Solution over Pollution"
