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TZFM201-Summer Week 6

Interpretation & Storytelling
Lake Titicaca

These two images were taken on lake Titicaca, Peru in 2022. 

The first image might show a child clamouring into a boat unassisted and without a lifejacket, which to many westerners may seem unsafe and neglectful of a parent. However, the second image shows that his father is with him and shows the surrounding environment of the floating islands and village in which they live. This child will likely spend the majority of his life on these floating reed islands, anchored to the lake bed, constantly afloat. 

The notion of a lifejacket to these people is unthinkable. The first image might be concerning to a viewer of the image, but its when context of the area or a cropped out version of the same photo that new perspective comes into play.

TZFM201-Summer Week 6


TZFM201-Summer Week 6


Creative Fields