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How Do I Sign in to FamilySearch Account?

Are you trying to sign into your account in FamilySearch? And therefore, would like to know more about FamilySearch Login? Well then you will be glad to know that you have surely come to the perfect site as here you will find all the related information that you need.
Why do you need to use ‘FamilySearch Sign In’?
If you would like to use the features provided on FamilySearch, then you will require signing into your account. Additionally, doing so also includes the use of Family Tree in order so that you get to search the free collection of the online digital records of FamilySearch.
Now if you do not have an account, then you would first need to create an FamilySearch free account.
Sign into your FamilySearch account using the Website.
Now you got to start by going to FamilySearch.
And then in the upper right corner of the page, you will need to click on the ‘Sign In’ button. (But if you do find ‘Sign In’ mentioned in the menu, then you should click on the icon with the three horizontal lines and now just click on the ‘Sign In’ button).
After that, you must enter your FamilySearch account username and password.
You could even select an icon if you want to use another existing account to sign in with, such as Facebook, Google, Apple etc. account.
Next, if you would like to stay signed in for two weeks then you will need to click on the ‘Keep me signed in for 2 weeks’ option.
And now you just need to click on the ‘Sign In’ option.
NOTE: You will need to keep in mind that the ‘Keep me signed in for 2 weeks’ feature is linked to cookies and passwords for right in the browser settings.
Therefore this feature will not work across other browsers or in your browser after cookies; cache and temporary files have been deleted.

How Do I Sign in to FamilySearch Account?

How Do I Sign in to FamilySearch Account?


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