Aj Pingkarawat's profile

Comparison infographic

Jet ski vs jigsaw puzzle.
1. More energy/ less energy
2. Active/ Inactive
3. Body movement/ Brain movement
4. Outdoor/ Indoor
5. Require equipments/ equipments aren't require.

Body movement
- jet ski owners prefer the stand-up riding technique is because it allows them more control over
their jet ski and the ability to use their legs to absorb the shock of large waves. 
This is accomplished by placing your feet a slight distance back from the jet ski’s handlebars and
slightly behind your shoulders.
- a semi-standing position with your knees slightly bent so you’ll have a greater ability to handle 
rough water, lean while turning and jump the jet ski
- sit down with your feet forward on the footrests and your back slightly bent. You’ll also be able to
turn more efficiently and reduce your risk of falling off your jet ski.
Brain movement
- your brain’s production of dopamine increases, helps make you feel happier.
- strengthening short-term memory skills.
- puzzle shows us how to make predictions, test options and change our plans according to the outcome.
Comparison infographic


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