R R's profile

Accessibility 101

This presentation was developed for one of my sprint demo day presentations. I was working with multiple teams who had never designed with accessibility in mind. I decided to start speaking about accessibility to help them understand that accessibility needed to be worked in to the project and not left to the last minute. 

The team I was on prior to this had removed accessibility design for alert and error messaging because it “took too much time to build”. It was a multi year project; and not once did they code for screen readers; mainly because the developers didn’t know how. 

This presentation, and subsequent, helped the developer leads, and QA teams start building codes and scripts to test for accessibility. This resulted in continually assessing our accessibility along the way, allowing us to pivot code and design as needed. This way we made sure we were building AODA / W3C compliant apps. 
Accessibility 101

Accessibility 101
