zeeshan khan's profile

Brand identity for Strng fitness Apparel

Brand Identity for
Strng Fitness Apparel

What they need

This brand is selling fitness apparel, their target audience are people excersicing cross-fit, those who go to gym or workout at home. in short hardcore fitness enthusiast. 

What i did

I took my pencil and started doing some random sketches of a spartan,why spartan? because Spartans are hardcore, very fit, also strong so i chose to associate this brand with spartan. but nothing came so good, i have a brilliant idea but idea is not everything.

after a days of continuous brainstorming i ended up with this icon as it is minimal and easily identical.

one of my best designs so far 

feel like a Spartan 
Brand identity for Strng fitness Apparel


Brand identity for Strng fitness Apparel

