Rock In Prevention's profile

Anger Management Strategies

Assisting nationwide students from second to 12th grade since 1990, Rock In Prevention and its Rock Digi platform convey information about academic and personal success concepts. One of the subjects Rock In Prevention discusses is anger management.

Three primary anger management coping mechanisms exist: expressing, suppressing, and calming. Although expressing anger by yelling or damaging property may satisfy an angry person in the short term, these behaviors may harm relationships.

Suppressing anger, though valid in certain situations, cannot resolve every instance because some are justifiable. Additionally, constantly suppressing anger may lead to physical or mental health problems.

Calming anger takes extensive work, with or without assistance from a therapist, and may entail creating an anger management plan, such as breathing exercises or repeated thoughts, that quickly lessens the physiological effects of anger.

Even better than using an anger coping strategy is identifying events that trigger anger or times of day episodes that occur most often. If traffic induces anger, for example, drivers can map a less congested route. If anger manifests most often immediately after work, workers should not discuss important issues until after winding down later in the day.
Anger Management Strategies

Anger Management Strategies


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